HARTER干燥系统 / HARTER drying system

        Harter公司位于德国南部一个美丽的小镇STIEFENHOFEN, 专业生产工件干燥系统和污泥干燥系统. 利用冷凝-热量回用-热泵技术等原理, 通过干燥的热风去干燥工件或污泥, 含水的风循环到除湿模块进行冷凝除湿, 再利用回收的热量进行升温, 回到干燥槽, 这样往复循环, 达到高效和卓越的干燥效果. 跟传统干燥系统相比, Harter干燥系统可节约50%左右的干燥时间和75%左右的 CO2排放量. 


The HARTER purpose devised Airgenex® drying technology is capable of drying surfaces and solid matter of allkind in a gentle and energy saving way, plus reliably and fast. This so-called heat pump based condensation drying resolves drying problems and optimizesmanufacturing processes. 

The Harter devised Drymex®sludge drying technology is capable of drying aqueous sludges of any kind in anenergy saving, closed system at low temperatures. Such drying decreases theweight and volume of your sludge so that your disposal cost is significantlyreduced. Drymex® drying systems are used for previouslydewatered sludges. 

Drying operations are often required in the process of manufacturingpharmaceuticals and medical products. The HARTER purpose devised AIRGENEX®meddrying technology is capable of drying surfaces and solid matter of all kind ina gentle and energy saving way, plus reliably and fast. This so-called heatpump based condensation drying resolves drying problems and optimizesmanufacturing processes. 

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