
    Our lifting platforms have been developed especially for the use in the surface treatment technique, e. g. for pre-treatment cabins,paint spraying cabins and blastrooms and are subject to a constant technical development. They feature a low-wear construction method that respects the rough working conditions occuring during blasting and paint spraying processes.

    As an example, thedrive unit is installed in the upperarea of the lifts and thus situated outside the immediate working area. Wesupply lifting platforms especially adjusted to your specific application.

    Our program comprises the following types of liftingplatforms:

     Sidewall liftingplatforms

     3-Axestelescopic platforms

     Crane bridgeguided vertical telescopic lifting platforms

     incl. electric or pneumatic drive units.

    Sidewall lifting platforms

    We offer sidewall-guided lifting platforms as swivellingor scissor-type models, both supplyable in regular or explosion-protected designfeaturing a ground-clear drive system.

    The sidewall lifting platforms require a steelconstruction outside the blastroom or paint spraying cabin, are rail-guided and are in totaltravelling over three axes. Work piece treatment positions are easily reachable dueto a low access height and a vertical stroke of up to 6,000 mm.

    3-Axes telescopic platforms

    These are platforms which can travel the whole blastroomor paint spraying cabin.

    The platform's cage is moveable in longitudinal,horizontal and vertical direction.

    The platform can be loaded with weights of up to 250 kg.

    They are designed in accordance with the room's orcabin's dimension and under consideration of your specific requirements. It cantravel only parts of your production facility or the whole length, if required.

    Crane bridge guided vertical telescopic lifting platforms

    We took the trend towards ever greater blasting and paintspraying systems as an opportunity to develop another model of a liftingplatform. Our new vertical telescopic lifting platform provides a maximum possibleflexibility and ergonomics.
